Review of current on page factors based on current rankings including titles, headings and keyword density. Review of robots.txt and sitemap.xml or development of if necessary.
Social links to be acquired pointing to the home page or inner pages (30)
One enthusiast external page created pointing to the website – such as in
Blog – This isn’t blog commenting. We will actually create a blog in a subject area close to the subject area of your site and update these seeding mention of your website.
One video montage development and upload and tagging for Youtube and other video platforms with specific keyword focus.
Mentions on twitter to signal social importance to the engines.
Creation of four relevant Pinterest board search month with relevant Pins.
Use of image posts in places such as Indulgy or WeHeartIt.
Strategic guidance and scanning for organic opportunities.
Guidance regarding Google Local or other relevant search engine local search functions.
Guidance / recommendations on development and other domain usage.
Two week update and Monthly summary with ranking and linkage reports.